Bloodpack [Anachronos-EU]
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[Declined] Lexana - Destro Warlock - X-realm

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[Declined] Lexana - Destro Warlock - X-realm Empty [Declined] Lexana - Destro Warlock - X-realm

Post  a13x4 Wed Dec 16 2009, 18:54

Name(optional): Alexa
Age: 19

In-game name: Lexana
Class and spec: Warlock, 3/13/55
Server: Nagrand
Armory link:

Are you the original owner of the account/character you're applying with? Yes

What framerate do you generally play at in 25 man raids? 30-50 fps generally.
Is your PC and internet connection reliable? Yep
What's your average latency to the game servers during evenings?
100-150 ms..

Why are you applying to Bloodpack?
I am applying to join Bloodpack, as I am looking for a good raiding guild on your server which raids 25 man content, as well as possibly the occasional 10 man.

Have you played with anyone in Bloodpack before, who might vouch for you?
Not met anyone from Bloodpack yet, nope. I do have an alt on the server which is a level 50 priest.

What is your current guild and why are you planning to leave?
Current guild is Third Eye on Nagrand. Planning to leave because I'm not happy on my server anymore and the guild doesn't bring me as much enjoyment as I had hoped for raid wise.

What previous guilds have you been in?
Eternal Twilight - my own casual raiding guild a while back where we did Naxx and started Uld.
Currently in Third Eye.

If this is a cross-realm application, should you be accepted for trial, how soon can you transfer here?
I would be able to transfer within 2-3 days. Earlier if needed.

Do you currently have any pending application with any other guild? If yes, who with?
Not at the moment, but I am applying to a few others if I find any good ones. But so far, only applied to you.

Do you have any high level alt characters? Have you raided with them before?
Just the level 50 priest and I think a level 60 dk on your server.

What interests and hobbies do you have outside of the game?
I like hanging out with my friends, play the guitar, go to the cinema, reading books.. Playing basketball and badminton.


What is your past raiding experience in the game to date? Please only include content that you cleared at the appropriate level cap - we're not interested if you cleared AQ 40 last week.

Didn't Clear Any TBC content
Molten Core -
Onyxia -
Blackwing Lair -
Ahn'Qiraj -

The Burning Crusade:
Karazhan, Zul'Aman, Gruul's Lair & Magtheridon -
Serpentshrine Cavern & The Eye -
Mount Hyjal, Black Temple & Sunwell -

Wrath of the Lich King (excluding commonly pugged content):

Naxxramas 25 - Don't think I've cleared that completely, not sure.
Malygos 25 - Nope.
Ulduar 10 - Not cleared but have had experience in it.
Ulduar 25 - Not cleared but have the experience.
ToC 10 normal - Tried it out but not cleared .
ToGC 10 heroic - No experience here.
ToC 25 normal - Some experience in ToC 25
ToGC 25 heroic - None.

Please list any achievements from a raid environment that you have and feel we should know about.
Less Is More
Make Quick Werk of him

Are you available to make our raid times? If there is a night when you can attend some times a month, but not always, please state so.
Thursday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]/[N] Yes
Friday = 19:30-23:30 [Y]/[N] Usually but occasionally may not be able to.
Sunday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]/[N] Yes
Monday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]/[N] Yes
Tuesday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]/[N] Yes

Do you use these following addons?
Deadly Boss Mods / Bigwigs - Yes
Omen - Yes
DoTimer or some other sort of spelltimers - Forte
Grid - Not used that yet, but will download it if needed
Any other addons which you feel should be mentioned?
I use Recount but that's pretty much it on the raiding side of Addons.

If possible, please try to provide a screenshot of your UI in a raiding setting. If you aren't able to get one from inside a raid, a screenshot of it from a battleground will suffice.
[Declined] Lexana - Destro Warlock - X-realm Wowscr10

With blizzard adding optional "hard-modes" to future encounters, we're intending to beat the more difficult version of each fight, not just the basic version. Are you prepared to spend the time re-learning encounters to beat them in their hardest incarnations? Yes, I'm a quick learner and very patient. =] I can tell you how patient I am considering I lead a raiding guild myself at one point.

Are you prepared to sit out if an encounter requires a certain raid composition for which you are not ideal?

How do you fill your playing time when not raiding?
Studying, cooking and baking sometimes, spending time with my boyfriend. Levelling my alt priest.
Playing the guitar, going out with mates.

Raiding's not cheap. Flasks, potions, buff food, and of course repairs all cost money and time, and so does keeping your gear gemmed and chanted properly. Are you able to support your raiding expenses?
What consumables do you typically use? Usually use Flask of Frost Wyrm, Dalaran Clam Chowder - usually buy it on AH as my cooking skill isn't that high. Potions I use are just the health pots usually.
My gear is always gemmed and enchanted =].

Why have you chosen your particular spec/class? Before I bought my subscription I'd started a wow trial a long time ago as a warlock, so I wanted to go back to that as I prefer casting dps much more to melee. How familiar are you with your class' other specs? I've tried out every one of my class' specs, the destruction spec being the best raiding spec still atm.
Would you be willing to respec if the raid required it? Yes
Do you have dual-spec? Sadly not, but if needed I'd grind dailies to get the money together for it, if it'd help the guild.

What is the general gearing strategy you follow for your class? Please be as specific as possible.
Well, I used to be hit capped when I was in my T8.5 gear, without my talents, but then I got T9 gear - so I had to add a couple of points into Suppression.
I don't gem for hit.
I'm focusing on gemming or Spirit and haste at the moment. And the occassional spellpower here and there.

Please give a brief description of how you go about doing your job in a raid. What's your DPS cycle/priority system if you're a DPS?
Boss fight wise:
CoD/CoE, Immolate, Chaos Bolt, Conflagarate, Incinerate - And use incinerate when its CD is down, same for using Chaos bolt too. And renewing Immolate when it ticks off repeating the process.

Do you use external resources (such as 3rd party forums, spreadsheets, simulations) to research your class and spec? Give examples, links, and commentary if so.
I used a lot usually.

How do the professions you've chosen benefit you in raids?
Well I'm an enchanter and tailor so I cannot say, that they're very beneficial in raids unless you need some enchants. But my enchanting isn't maxxed quite yet.

Please provide a recent combat log parse (e.g. WWS, WMO, WoL) of your character in a raid environment if you have access to one.
Sorry, have not got one at hand.

Any additional things you'd like to add?
^^ Just thank you for looking at my application when you do.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-12-16

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[Declined] Lexana - Destro Warlock - X-realm Empty Re: [Declined] Lexana - Destro Warlock - X-realm

Post  Badangel Wed Dec 16 2009, 21:01

hiya ty for the application, couple of questions
how come you only have 2/3 in supression with a pointless point in imp corruption?
raid hit cap is 14% with misery/imp fayfire which you surely are over hitcap for, do you have any alternative trinkets/pieces that would give you more dps and would land you at the approprìote cap?`
your gems seems like a mix of oddety,`can you explain future your strategy for gemming, esp why do you run with 3 spell/spir when you only need 2 for the meta?

Posts : 490
Join date : 2008-06-27
Age : 35
Location : Oslo, Norway

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[Declined] Lexana - Destro Warlock - X-realm Empty Re: [Declined] Lexana - Destro Warlock - X-realm

Post  a13x4 Wed Dec 16 2009, 21:12

Badangel wrote:hiya ty for the application, couple of questions
how come you only have 2/3 in supression with a pointless point in imp corruption?
raid hit cap is 14% with misery/imp fayfire which you surely are over hitcap for, do you have any alternative trinkets/pieces that would give you more dps and would land you at the approprìote cap?`
your gems seems like a mix of oddety,`can you explain future your strategy for gemming, esp why do you run with 3 spell/spir when you only need 2 for the meta?

Hiya, thanks for the quick reply.
The reason for that point actually was because I was in a bit of a rush at the time for a respec before a raid.
The other point would usually be in suppression or somewhere else in my destruction tree.
I don't have any alternative trinkets at the moment, but I'm sure I could acquire some through grinding a few hcs for some EoTs at the moment.
What cap are you looking for? Are you talking about my dps? If you are, I don't have any other trinkets or gear I can replace at the moment. But I can find a trinket mentioned above already.

Gemwise I'll probably replace one of the blue gems with a gem that has spell power and haste, or spell power and crit. But the main reason for that third blue gem actually is, as a warlock if you have more spirit it increases your spell power due to Fel Armor as well. Also just noticed I have a hit gem in my shoulders that I don't need, so will be replacing that with a +23 spellpower.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-12-16

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[Declined] Lexana - Destro Warlock - X-realm Empty Re: [Declined] Lexana - Destro Warlock - X-realm

Post  Rhiannon Thu Dec 17 2009, 11:14

Angel's aware that spirit gives spellpower, however with demonic aegis + kings, 10 spirit gives (10 * 1.1) * (0.3 * 1.3) = 4.29 SP, so a 12 sp/10 spi is still strictly inferior to a 23 SP gem. Taking into account the 7 sp socket bonus, the choice in your chest for example is 2 x 23 = 46 SP from two cardinals, or 12 + 12 + 4.3 + 7 = 35.3 SP, 10 haste from your current setup. Most stat weightings will not put 10 haste as better than 10.7 SP (although it's fairly close), hence if you don't need a blue in the slot for meta requirements then double cardinal is slightly better.

The cap she's referring to is (with 3/3 suppression) 14% spellhit from gear or 11% from gear with a shadowpriest/boomkin (which we run in all 25s). Any more spellhit than this is doing precisely 0 for your dps and is wasted, hence if possible it's ideal to try to sit at exactly 11% from gear if you've taken 3 points in suppression,with a trinket or something that you can switch in to cover ~3% if for some reason there is no SP/boomkin. Obviously you're at the mercy of what drops for you here, and sometimes can't help ending up significantly over cap, but it's something to try to avoid (ofc a new trinket to replace your hit pvp trinket would pretty much solve this).

Anyway, thank you for the application, but we're not looking for any warlocks at this time, and I'm afraid your gear and your experience are somewhat lacking compared to what we we would consider at the moment. Best of luck elsewhere.


Posts : 3190
Join date : 2007-09-24

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[Declined] Lexana - Destro Warlock - X-realm Empty Re: [Declined] Lexana - Destro Warlock - X-realm

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