Bloodpack [Anachronos-EU]
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[Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin

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[Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin Empty [Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin

Post  Shiv Mon May 03 2010, 01:17

Name(optional): Pratik

In-game name:Shív
Class and spec:Paladin Retribution
Armory link:

Are you the original owner of the account/character you're applying with? Yes

What framerate do you generally play at in 25 man raids? Is your PC and internet connection reliable? What's your average latency to the game servers during evenings? Latency never been a problem but FPS isnt amazing i usally have to raid on low graphics and run aroudn 20 FPS

Why are you applying to Bloodpack?
Duno you seem to fail? Very Happy Only joooking very good guild good raiding days to which i can commit to and excellent progress to boot
Have you played with anyone in Bloodpack before, who might vouch for you?
What is your current guild and why are you planning to leave?

What previous guilds have you been in?
Mutilate- This was the guild i raiding TBC with, which was very good. I myself was ranked 'Vetran Member' when this guild split up, i was very young when the guild officers and GM decided to give up wow (around 15-16) , many people left the server who wenrt in Mutilate after we disbanded as people seen this as the first major milestone in Nagrand dieing. Alot of bashing happend to Mutilate on the forums for a couple of reasons however after we disbanded alot of people seen the truth of the matter , that we were one of the best things for Nagrand. So the pro's of having Mutilate; We provided a fun , solid raid atmosphere for Nagrand alot of guilds were decent on Nagrand at this time e.g. MOREDOTS and The Oracle along with many more the thing about these guilds was they wernt very good raiding wise - they did get the bosses down but not at a competitive rate- however people from other servers and Nagrand would join these guilds , get raiding exp and most would eventually apply to Mutilate or Old School, this resulted in many Forum Threads of 'Player Stealing , Guild Hopping etc'. However after we left there way no reason for people to come to Nagrand as there was only 1 good horde guild left and around 10 very good Allinance guilds in which they would outnumber us 10000:1 Sad , I was in this guild for around 1 Year and 6-7 Months Mammoth - We were pegging around 3rd in the realm when we had our full raid force. I myself was a Class Leader , and Melle Loot Distributor in this guild. I did start raiding wow rather late with my AS levels around the corner when WOTLK came out and the GM gave me a couple months to get my stuff together before coming back to wow. However after around 1 1/2 months of solid raiding progress, the decline came. Nagrand Horde was sinking Veni Veci Vendi had left the server due to the lack of talent left also Old School were leaving and they were the two best horde guilds, after a while we could not find any decent raiders to replace people or bring into the guild so the GM decided to migrate the guild, i didnt go with the rest of the guild and stuck it out with nagrand and moved to; Cleanse - Well... Cleanse were still going strong when i joined them we were clearing 10 man stuff quite well ( not aswell as TBC raiding ) 3 Weeks after joining i replaced one of the raid leaders who left the realm and did the 25 man raid leading for around 2 more weeks until Adam the GM decided enough was enough and migrated the guild to another server, this was when i sustained my injury and could not go with them.
Placebo - I love love love the players in this guild i joined them when they were 2 weeks old and have done ICC with them cleared alot to! However GF has moved back in with me and i simply cant raid 5 days a week its just to much
If this is a cross-realm application, should you be accepted for trial, how soon can you transfer here?
Like 2 hours after im accepted
Do you currently have any pending application with any other guild? If yes, who with?
Do you have any high level alt characters? Have you raided with them before?
Mathacus Level 80 Mage
What interests and hobbies do you have outside of the game?
Name be Pratik i am 18 years old and from England Leicester! As you read later u will notice i didnt do Uld or ToC i SHOULD add why my Uld raiding and toc raiding is so slacky, late August i sustained an injury in the vertex of my spine and have to have keyhole surjury... this ment i missed out on alot of things like ToGC and the start of ICC. So i dont slack or gief wow up! Other than that im on my gap year atm dossing about playing CoD MW2 and WoW recently moved in with my maid i mean GF cough lol other than that im just a cool guy looking for people to raid with

What is your past raiding experience in the game to date? Please only include content that you cleared at the appropriate level cap - we're not interested if you cleared AQ 40 last week.

Classic: Vanilla Fails Sad
Molten Core -
Onyxia -
Blackwing Lair -
Ahn'Qiraj -
Naxxramas -

The Burning Crusade: On Aisha
Karazhan, Zul'Aman, Gruul's Lair & Magtheridon - Done Pre 30%
Serpentshrine Cavern & The Eye - Done Pre 30%
Mount Hyjal, Black Temple & Sunwell - Done Pre 30% (Xcept KJ)

Wrath of the Lich King (excluding commonly pugged content):

Naxxramas 25 - Done
Malygos 25 -Done
Ulduar 10 -Done
Ulduar 25 -Done
ToC 10 normal -Done
ToGC 10 heroic -Done
ToC 25 normal -Done
ToGC 25 heroic - 4/5
ICC 10 normal -Done
ICC 10 heroic - 11/12
ICC 25 normal -Done
ICC 25 heroic - 7/12

Please list any achievements from a raid environment that you have and feel we should know about.
Are you available to make our raid times? If there is a night when you can attend some times a month, but not always, please state so.
Thursday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]
Friday = 19:30-23:30 [Y]
Sunday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]
Monday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]
Tuesday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]

Do you use these following addons?
Deadly Boss Mods / Bigwigs / DXE - Yes
Omen - Yes
DoTimer or some other sort of spelltimers - Yes
Grid - Yes
Any other addons which you feel should be mentioned?
PalyPower best addon ever?

If possible, please try to provide a screenshot of your UI in a raiding setting. If you aren't able to get one from inside a raid, a screenshot of it from a battleground will suffice.
With blizzard adding optional "hard-modes" to future encounters, we're intending to beat the more difficult version of each fight, not just the basic version. Are you prepared to spend the time re-learning encounters to beat them in their hardest incarnations?
Ofc i love to wipe sometimes i tuant the boss for luls Very Happy
Are you prepared to sit out if an encounter requires a certain raid composition for which you are not ideal?
How do you fill your playing time when not raiding?
BG's or just farm ahiv's points or sit on vent and talk or farm gold Very Happy (wow related)
Raiding's not cheap. Flasks, potions, buff food, and of course repairs all cost money and time, and so does keeping your gear gemmed and chanted properly. Are you able to support your raiding expenses? What consumables do you typically use?
Flask of Endless Rage
Potion of Speed
Dragonfin Finlet
Why have you chosen your particular spec/class? How familiar are you with your class' other specs? Would you be willing to respec if the raid required it? Do you have dual-spec?

What is the general gearing strategy you follow for your class? Please be as specific as possible.
Gems - Gemming as Retri is pretty darn simple ;
->21 Agil + 3% Inc Crit Damage - Retri's use this to aviod using 2 Blud gems in our gear which would be a DPS loss using this Meta + a Nightmare Tear allows us to gem frelly w/o worrying about Meta Bonus's
-> 20 Str Everywhere! Hah this isnt exaclty the case ! As a Ret you should put 20 + Str into everything unless 1 rule occurs you find yourself with a Yellow Socket with a +4 or higher Str bonus in this case you would gem +10 Str +10 Crit
Please give a brief description of how you go about doing your job in a raid. What's your DPS cycle/priority system if you're a DPS? What spells do you use in what situations as a healer? How do you go about maximising threat whilst minimising incoming damage, as a tank? What more is there to tanking than those two aspects? Use a particular boss fight as an example if it will make it easier to talk about.
JoW > DS > CS > HoW> Con > Exor
Do you use external resources (such as 3rd party forums, spreadsheets, simulations) to research your class and spec? Give examples, links, and commentary if so.
Rawr is all i need!
How do the professions you've chosen benefit you in raids?
Best profression for ret mhmm? Blacksmithing - Best DPS Prof two extra sockets is just pro ! Not Hitcapped ? NP! Just dash a hit gem in here and dont lose a socket bonus
Enginerring - Has become really good in ICC the Haste buff on Gloves but also the run speed increase which can save ya BC stacks of a boss ! Using these can be a real life saver (Dps saver )
Please provide a recent combat log parse (e.g. WWS, WMO, WoL) of your character in a raid environment if you have access to one.
Have none! Sad Swwwwoi ill try pug something shit and get yu some
Any additional things you'd like to add?
Give acceptssss NOWS! Sad


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-05-03

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[Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin Empty Re: [Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin

Post  Stylez Mon May 03 2010, 03:12


First things, your UI screenshot suggest you were in Insert Coin, am I right in thinking this was the Insert Coin on Stormscale? I might just suck at reading, but you don't mention that in guild history at all, you might want to ellaborate Wink

Also, from what I see, you have a few important abilities that seem to not be keybound? By all means feel free to call me wrong on that part, and personally I hope you do.

You also state previously that you cannot raid 5 days a week but you said you're available everyday? Seems a bit strange.

Your gemming strat is missing 1 thing too. Generally speaking if it's a yellow socket and a +6 agi bonus it's worth putting an inscribed into it also.

Your rotation is also a bit off. You should be prioritizing CS over DS during ramp up and during add switches to try and keep your libram stacked all the time. Also, when in execute percentages, hammer of wrath becomes a lot more important than you portrayed. You should be instantly switching your rotation to Judge -> HoW -> DS -> CS -> Consec -> Exor with holy wraths whenever you get a free global. This is due to the almost 100% crit chance hammer of wrath has when raid buffed and it's relatively short cd. It gives us a rather sizeable dps increase at the end of a fight.

All in all I can't fault your glyphs/spec but your expertise is massively overcapped hence wasting a lot of dps stats, and doing this and using exorcism glyph is just meh. Sometimes it just can't be helped if an upgrade is an upgrade none the less, I've been there. But I'd suggest you try and get down to 16 expertise or so and switch to SoV glyph. Overall it's a dps increase for us.

Last edited by Stylez on Mon May 03 2010, 14:37; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : I fail at reading)

Posts : 350
Join date : 2009-09-06
Age : 33

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[Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin Empty Re: [Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin

Post  Shiv Mon May 03 2010, 11:59

Righto , First off i was in INsert Coin for 1 raid before i left best way to describe them is Elitist just so annoying wathcing them lul people inspecting them and such didnt enjoy it at all there

TBC raiding exp was done in Aisha i thought i mentioned that somewhere

About that Roation i prio CS over everythign if im about to lose my libarm or Stacks thats just something i gota work around that rotaion is mearly my Meh roration for luling fights like DBS. Also about HoW its not benifical for me atm to prio it over JoW or DS sheraly for the fact one of my normal attacks on those hits nearly as hard as a crit from HoW and my crits on those normal attacks hit alot alot harder i wll try to prio it in a fight however and ill prob have engg on face Sad

AS for the agility gemming i cant see were im missing a +6 Agil bonus am I just blind Sad

Also exerptise atm for meh failllls , once i upgrade my belt and ring everything should be peaceful and calm


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-05-03

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[Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin Empty Re: [Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin

Post  Rhiannon Mon May 03 2010, 16:06

Actually you're correct about your priority. Even though HoW has a very high crit rate, it's still lower DPS than crusader strike + seal. We're not talking huge differences here, the difference between J > DS > CS > HoW and J > HoW > DS > CS is a whole 39 DPS for me in Rawr, but nonetheless. Prioritising CS at start and on target switches is indeed important though. Similarly, if you're going to get time off target it is often worth shifting your priorities (dropping a new consecration under Sindragosa when you have to run out from blistering cold, making sure Judge/Exorcism are available to use when you're running out/back, etc. Even if you do this stuff instinctively it's worth mentioning, as it's the kind of thing that sets an excellent ret apart from a good ret.

I don't think Stylah was saying you'd missed a +6 agi bonus, but was rather addressing your general gemming strategy. Given that leather pieces are quite strong for ret and often they have a +6 agi bonus, it's worth keeping in mind.

You say "However GF has moved back in with me and i simply cant raid 5 days a week its just to much", and yet say you're available to make all our raid times. Which one is it?

Anyway, all in all a pretty decent application. However, I'm reconsidering how badly we actually need another ret paladin. We have two on roster at the moment, but recently we've had raids without either being present, as well as raids with both present. I'm going to see how attendance is for the next few raids before deciding either way.


Posts : 3190
Join date : 2007-09-24

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[Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin Empty Re: [Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin

Post  Velcio Mon May 03 2010, 16:41

Rhiannon wrote:
You say "However GF has moved back in with me and i simply cant raid 5 days a week its just to much", and yet say you're available to make all our raid times. Which one is it?

Those two things aren't exclusive; you *could* attend *any* x number of 5 raids, but you can't attend all raids. Just chiming in, the applicant isn't lying/forgetful in this respect ;P


Posts : 90
Join date : 2009-10-19

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[Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin Empty Re: [Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin

Post  Shiv Mon May 03 2010, 16:45

Hey soz shoulda explained that she has to work in the hospital from 6-2 Every night expect saterdays as she is doing Medicine and thahts her placement so i needed to find a guild with decent raiding hours and days for meh so you wont see me arounjd much dring to day but ill b ethere for raids and shiz. Also if you already got 2 rets and they arnt there that often am i to assume they dont come to progress raids or wah cause thats a big downer Sad


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-05-03

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[Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin Empty Re: [Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin

Post  Rhiannon Mon May 10 2010, 16:05

Sorry, forgot to update this. I've decided we're not in need of another ret paladin at this time. Good luck finding a suitable guild.


Posts : 3190
Join date : 2007-09-24

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[Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin Empty Re: [Declined] Shiv Retri Paladin

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