Bloodpack [Anachronos-EU]
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[Declined] Resto Shammy

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[Declined] Resto Shammy Empty [Declined] Resto Shammy

Post  Frederikyster Mon Apr 05 2010, 14:22

Name(optional): Frederik
Age: 14 (I don't want to lie)

In-game name:Shammydkdk
Class and spec: Shaman. Resto 0/14/57. Ele offspec 57/14/0
Armory link:

Are you the original owner of the account/character you're applying with? Yeps

What framerate do you generally play at in 25 man raids? Is your PC and internet connection reliable? What's your average latency to the game servers during evenings?
I don't lie when I say this: I will NEVER DC. Opps caps Smile. Only when my sister turn it off - -.-'
Why are you applying to Bloodpack?
Was in a raid with a member of >>Bloodpack<<. And he was nice/friendly, and then I went to he's guilds website, and it sounds really good. And I REALLY like your raid time, couldn't find a good guild, with "early" raids Smile

Have you played with anyone in Bloodpack before, who might vouch for you?
Uhh can't remember

What is your current guild and why are you planning to leave?
OverRaided. The time they raid, but match my life Smile
What previous guilds have you been in?
Legion. Too boring, and they said they would raid, but they didn't. And they just inv players to get many -.-
If this is a cross-realm application, should you be accepted for trial, how soon can you transfer here? In a day or 2 Smile

Do you currently have any pending application with any other guild? If yes, who with?
Do you have any high level alt characters? Have you raided with them before?
I got a pvp rogue Smile No raids with him
What interests and hobbies do you have outside of the game?
Football, Youtube (I like to see uber nerd wow video's), last year I saw Blizzcon Smile


What is your past raiding experience in the game to date? Please only include content that you cleared at the appropriate level cap - we're not interested if you cleared AQ 40 last week.

Molten Core - Nope
Onyxia - Nope
Blackwing Lair - Nope
Ahn'Qiraj - Nope
Naxxramas - Nope

The Burning Crusade:
Karazhan, Zul'Aman, Gruul's Lair & Magtheridon - Couple of bosses in their Smile
Serpentshrine Cavern & The Eye - Nope
Mount Hyjal, Black Temple & Sunwell - Some bosses Smile

Wrath of the Lich King (excluding commonly pugged content):

Naxxramas 25 -
Malygos 25 -
Ulduar 10 - Couple of bosses tbh I don't like Ulduar ;(
Ulduar 25 - Same Wink
ToC 10 normal - All down
ToGC 10 heroic - 1 boss down Smile
ToC 25 normal -
ToGC 25 heroic -
ICC 10 normal - 6/12. But got exp for everything Wink Know all tacts. (Tankspot nerd Smile
ICC 10 heroic - No1 yet Wink
ICC 25 normal - 4/12 Same
ICC 25 heroic - No1 yet

Please list any achievements from a raid environment that you have and feel we should know about.
Just check armory Wink
Are you available to make our raid times? If there is a night when you can attend some times a month, but not always, please state so.
Thursday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]/[N] Y
Friday = 19:30-23:30 [Y]/[N] Y
Sunday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]/[N] Y
Monday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]/[N] Y
Tuesday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]/[N] Y

Do you use these following addons?
Deadly Boss Mods / Bigwigs / DXE -
Omen -
DoTimer or some other sort of spelltimers -
Grid -
Any other addons which you feel should be mentioned?
I use them u listed, and TellMeWhen and Shieldsup Smile
If possible, please try to provide a screenshot of your UI in a raiding setting. If you aren't able to get one from inside a raid, a screenshot of it from a battleground will suffice.
Im always forgot to take screenshots ;(
With blizzard adding optional "hard-modes" to future encounters, we're intending to beat the more difficult version of each fight, not just the basic version. Are you prepared to spend the time re-learning encounters to beat them in their hardest incarnations?
Yea. I don't mind to wipe Smile
Are you prepared to sit out if an encounter requires a certain raid composition for which you are not ideal? Yea Smile

How do you fill your playing time when not raiding?
Battlegrounds, ALOT of time on youtube watching Smile
Raiding's not cheap. Flasks, potions, buff food, and of course repairs all cost money and time, and so does keeping your gear gemmed and chanted properly. Are you able to support your raiding expenses? What consumables do you typically use?
Hmmm?? I will say that a got plenty of gold, and I alwyas bring extra flasks (all kind of), and fish feast.
Why have you chosen your particular spec/class? How familiar are you with your class' other specs? Would you be willing to respec if the raid required it? Do you have dual-spec?
I made a shaman, cause I saw my friends shammy Smile And now im a nerd healer Smile
Yea I would be willing to respec, and I got dual-spec .)
What is the general gearing strategy you follow for your class? Please be as specific as possible.
Spellpower-Mp5/haste. Im not as all the other shaman's. Most of the resto shamans sock their gear with hatse gems, but I also want to Mp5 and spellpower Smile

Please give a brief description of how you go about doing your job in a raid. What's your DPS cycle/priority system if you're a DPS? What spells do you use in what situations as a healer? How do you go about maximising threat whilst minimising incoming damage, as a tank? What more is there to tanking than those two aspects? Use a particular boss fight as an example if it will make it easier to talk about.
On festergut example, I spam chain heal cause of the aoe damage. But when I can, I use riptide, because It will make my chain heal 20% faster Smile
Do you use external resources (such as 3rd party forums, spreadsheets, simulations) to research your class and spec? Give examples, links, and commentary if so.
How do the professions you've chosen benefit you in raids?
Jewelcrafting (450): Will give u 3 better sockets, and can help my guildies if needed :9
Enchantning (450): I don't know why I took it, (cause it's ekspensive), but I can enchant my rings Smile
Please provide a recent combat log parse (e.g. WWS, WMO, WoL) of your character in a raid environment if you have access to one. I don't any, actually Smile

Any additional things you'd like to add? Yea. Thanks for taking time reading my apply


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-03-19

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[Declined] Resto Shammy Empty Re: [Declined] Resto Shammy

Post  M. Mon Apr 05 2010, 15:06

Hi Fred,

Just a few pointers that may help your application.

I see you are gemming +sp/+mp5 as much as you can, I suggest that you gem with the following formula taking into account that your a "raid" healer and replenisments are avail, keeping into the ethos of "I want MP5" will reduce your effectiveness you will get ALL (ok well most) the mana regen you want from water shield, Mana tide and Potions along with the raid replenishments.

Red: Reckless Ametrine
Yellow: Quick King's Amber
Blue: Quick King's Amber unless you need to meet the meta gem requirements. Then use Energized Eye of Zul

This Haste rule of thumb also applies to any head or shoulder and gear enchants were applicable.

Taking a look at your resto talent spec it is a very unusual one,
I suggest dropping the pointless point in enhancing totems as it serves no use in a raid setup and putting 3 points into flametongue weapon gives only +45 sp and it doesnt scale with gear nor to it get applied to the earthliving weapon proc so again its a wasted 3 points which would be better used in Improved Sheilds which will give you more mana per proc that quite a lot of your mp5 gems.
Also I suggest removing the 2 points in improved reincarnate and using the point from enhancing totems and placing those 3 into healing focus as a raid healer in ICC there is quite a lot of knockbacks to casting which isnt the most desired thing to get.
This is the build I would suggest you take for raiding or at least take a look at >
I would also suggest having a riptide glyph if you use that alot and you say you do above.

Gear wise is some t10 items but again I would suggest taking haste and crit geat over any mp5 gear where at all possible when it isnt built into via T10 items.

Anyways these are only tips to improve your healing and usefullness and ofc you can ignore anything this Shammie has to say.

/GL with ya application



Posts : 49
Join date : 2010-03-03

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[Declined] Resto Shammy Empty Resto Shammy

Post  Frederikyster Mon Apr 05 2010, 18:15

Thanks for everything.
As I said above: "Yes im willing to respec", then im willing to buy some new gems too. Smile

Try and look on my new spec ;P


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-03-19

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[Declined] Resto Shammy Empty Re: [Declined] Resto Shammy

Post  Rhiannon Wed Apr 07 2010, 16:20

Thanks, but not looking to pick a resto shaman up at the moment, and your experience is a bit lacking for where we are now.


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[Declined] Resto Shammy Empty Resto

Post  Frederikyster Wed Apr 07 2010, 16:58

Ok GL Smile


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-03-19

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