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[Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application

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[Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application Empty [Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application

Post  Larecruit Tue May 25 2010, 22:13

Personal Information

Name: Max
Age: 22
Nationality: Bulgarian

In-game Name: Breik
Class and Spec: Mage, Arcane and Fire
Armory: Mage Paladin

Are you the original owner of the account/character you're applying with?

Yes, I am.

What framerate do you generally play at in 25 man raids? Is your PC and internet connection reliable? What's your average latency to the game servers during evenings?

I maintain around 40 FPS during raids. Latency does not go above 80 at any time. Both my PC and my internet have proven to be reliable and I have experienced close to none problems while playing.

Why are you applying to Bloodpack?

From what I have read and found I believe the guild strives for progress and nothing less. That is good enough for me to hear.

Have you played with anyone in Bloodpack before, who might vouch for you?

Not yet, hopefully I will have the privilege in the future.

What is your current guild and why are you planning to leave?

Overpowered, Emeriss EU. I had a great time the last 2 years or so, but since TOGC came out the guild experienced some serious attendance lack. People do not show up and dont even bother even signing on our raid planner. And when enough people actually came online, they performed poorly and fail at simple things. 90% of the guild knows each other in real life, thus making ANY type of punishment for not showing up impossible. And when you actually criticize someone they don’t really care, “cus its just a game lol”.(hellooooooooo, we’re doing hardmodes???!)

What previous guilds have you been in?

Late Vanilla I joined The Dark Embrace @ Neptulon and in early BC I joined Overpowered. Prior to TDE I was mainly playing PvP getting my General Title and before joining Overpowered I was concentrated on 5v5 with IRL friends.

If this is a cross-realm application, should you be accepted for trial, how soon can you transfer here?

I believe transfer will be possible within a day, unless Blizzard don’t screw up on their part.

Do you currently have any pending application with any other guild? If yes, who with?

No, yours is the only guild I have applied for.

Do you have any high level alt characters? Have you raided with them before?

I have a paladin alt @ 80. Played Prot since TBC, currently I have done all of the latest encounters, aka couple ICC10hms + ICC25 (halfway, more tries than actual kills).

What interests and hobbies do you have outside of the game?

I am into diving, but I can’t really say it’s a hobby. We can have a discussion about anything you want; I can cover pretty much each topic.


Molten Core - cleared.
Onyxia - cleared.
Blackwing Lair - cleared.
Ahn'Qiraj - cleared.
Naxxramas - cleared, ex Thad, Sap and KT.

The Burning Crusade:
Karazhan, Zul'Aman, Gruul's Lair & Magtheridon - cleared.
Serpentshrine Cavern & The Eye -cleared.
Mount Hyjal, Black Temple - cleared.
Sunwell - 2/6 pre-nerf, 6/6 post.


Naxxramas 25 - cleared.
Malygos 25 - cleared.
Ulduar 10 - cleared, w/o Algalon.
Ulduar 25 - cleared, w/o Algalon.
ToC 10 normal - cleared.
ToGC 10 heroic - cleared.
ToC 25 normal - cleared.
ToGC 25 heroic - 4/5
ICC 10 normal - cleared.
ICC 10 heroic – 11/12, LK hm tries.
ICC 25 normal - cleared.
ICC 25 heroic - Marrowgar, Gunship, Saurfang, Festergut, Rotface, Blood Councils, BQL. Many wipes @ Deathwhisper and Valithria @ 96-98%.

Naxxramas 25 Immortality
TOGC10 Insanity

All instance clears and both achievements have been done in their relevant times.

Are you available to make our raid times? If there is a night when you can attend some times a month, but not always, please state so.

Thursday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]
Friday = 19:30-23:30 [Y]
Sunday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]
Monday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]
Tuesday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]

The time table suits me, if there is any kind of issue I will be sure to inform you in advance. I can login every day at that time and stay until later unless I have something else to do. I have managed to keep my RL program and raids not interfere with each other for around 4 years, I think I can keep it up.


I am using a modified TukUI package that suits me best. It includes DeusVoxEncounters(which I find best of all boss timers), Grid, Omen, DoTimers, Needtoknow, etc.


I try to keep my view clear and put most stuff at the sides. Overall, keeping it light, tight and clean. Although the interface doesn’t get the job done it sure as hell makes it easier. 

With blizzard adding optional "hard-modes" to future encounters, we're intending to beat the more difficult version of each fight, not just the basic version. Are you prepared to spend the time re-learning encounters to beat them in their hardest incarnations?

My intent in the game is to overcome its hardest part in PvE aspect and feel some kind of satisfaction, just like the first Ragnaros kill. Ofc compared to today’s hardmodes and achievements that feeling would be tenfold. And I am ready to do whatever is necessary to achieve that.

Are you prepared to sit out if an encounter requires a certain raid composition for which you are not ideal?

If the raid needs another Aura mastery for Infest or some other class which performs better than a mage I will sit out the raid, no questions asked.

How do you fill your playing time when not raiding?

Lately, just pugging whatever I found people for. People on the realm know me so we manage to get some decent groups. Other than that I never farm unless the raid requires it (aka farming some kind of gear). So far I have almost 300 days played on my mage only, MOST of the time spent efficiently, not just alt-tab afk in dalaran Razz

Raiding's not cheap. Flasks, potions, buff food, and of course repairs all cost money and time, and so does keeping your gear gemmed and chanted properly. Are you able to support your raiding expenses? What consumables do you typically use?

I always have couple of stacks of flasks, food, speed and wild magic pots. I also keep some enchants and uncut gems in me at all time so I can socket during raids if possible. All raid expenses are covered by jewelcrafting and tailoring.

Why have you chosen your particular spec/class? How familiar are you with your class' other specs? Would you be willing to respec if the raid required it? Do you have dual-spec?

Since Day 1 my mage has been my main and I believe it will stay the same until the end. I just like the overall performance of all specs, starting from arcane/fire and double trinketing in vanilla, playing 4 AMAZING seasons 1-4 as frost and now at 80 simply enjoying ANY spec.
I believe I can play Arcane, FireTTW and FireFFB on the same level and add a significant value to the raid’s DPS. I have no problem playing either – I like them equally. Perhaps FireTTW a little more because it’s playstyle. I have tried Arcane and Fire on all encounters I have been present and I can dish out more or less the same dps output(a little higher with fire), however I have no problem playing either spec, whichever the raid needs.

What is the general gearing strategy you follow for your class? Please be as specific as possible.

Since we started ICC10/25 and heroic modes I could say the drops have been terrible.
As Fire, I mainly go after high amount of crit in order to keep ignite rolling. The higher the spellpower the harder it hits and haste (~1,100ish) provide me with the means to try and keep it up at all time.
As Arcane, I go after haste - ~45% + a solid amount of spellpower is all I need to dish out a lot of DPS.

Please give a brief description of how you go about doing your job in a raid. What's your DPS cycle/priority system if you're a DPS? What spells do you use in what situations as a healer? How do you go about maximising threat whilst minimising incoming damage, as a tank? What more is there to tanking than those two aspects? Use a particular boss fight as an example if it will make it easier to talk about.

My rotation is Fireball spam, sustaining Living bomb at all time, HS on proc, twice(depending on haste) per fireball, unless LBtimeleft<1GCD, then refresh, HS, Fireball spam. Sounds a bit like DOS code, but this is the best way I can describe it. I try to bring movement to a minimum. Also avoiding doublecrits(ignite munching) since it’s a pure waste of ignite dmg. I track ignite as a single debuff so I can keep the crits separated and don’t munch any ignite dmg.
As Arcane, AB234MBAM. My playstyle as arcane is more DPM oriented(aka doing maxdps with non-maxdps rotation, because once you go OOM evocation is ALWAYS on cd). As arcane I also blowup IV whenever there is no bloodlust since my GCD goes to 0.8, needless to say that is QUITE bad when it happens. Keeping them separated also helps me sustain a higher DPS for a longer period.
As a ranged dps I have the opportunity to pay attention to more things in the raid environment which allows me to react faster to any "bad stuff", thus increasing my total raid efficiency(if you can put it that way).

Do you use external resources (such as 3rd party forums, spreadsheets, simulations) to research your class and spec? Give examples, links, and commentary if so.

I visit EJ-Mage on the weekly basis and use Rawr to maximize upgrades/talents/gemming if necessary. Personally, I think mage depends mostly on how good are you in positioning and maintaining DPS when "bad stuff" targets you, but that applies to more or less all classes. I believe nothing besides personal experience can teach you that.

How do the professions you've chosen benefit you in raids?

Tailoring - Lightweave Embroidery - Combined with all other procs and their close ICD it creates a very high burst making it easier to start off with high ignite and simply maintaining it up as a dot. With my CD’s on 1min/1.4min/2min it helps you to sustain the DPS with a lot of spellpower every minute or so.

Jewelcrafting - equivalent to Enchanting/Inscription as +sp(total).

Please provide a recent combat log parse (e.g. WWS, WMO, WoL) of your character in a raid environment if you have access to one.

I believe we run logs from time to time, but we haven’t raided for quite some time and I am quite unfamiliar with the “log system”. I usually just analyze recount/skada data as dps(e)/activity/dmgtaken to better my performance next time.

Any additional things you'd like to add?

I am rather focused in raids than relaxed. I pay attention to what is important and what is being explained and put it into practice. I am a quick learner and I think I can handle anything. I don’t just stand in one place and spambuttons – I try to plan ahead, get advantage of the encounter’s weaknesses and improvise whenever I get the opportunity, unless it endangers the raid or the kill.

In my 5 years of playing I have been through almost anything – from barrens chat to quite interesting dramas(only as a viewer). I believe I have seen quite a lot, but there is always something that can surprise you. I take criticism seriously and ALWAYS act accordingly to.
I do not slack during raids (boss fights AND trash clearing) and never intend to. When I get invited I am there 100% of the time. I believe the more active one is during raids, the more efficient one is.

I am usually online on either Mage (Breik) or Paladin (Kolt) @ Emeriss EU; if there is something you would like to ask me not via this application feel free to.

Thank you for your time and consideration,



Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-05-20

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[Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application Empty Re: [Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application

Post  Wiggerlywoo Wed May 26 2010, 00:47

spoke to this guy earlier in the day seems nice a nice person and seems to know about his class nice application overall goodluck


Posts : 82
Join date : 2009-09-08
Age : 37

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[Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application Empty Re: Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application

Post  Auroia Wed May 26 2010, 23:34

Idd seems like a nice person. Very Happy
Be nice to play with you in the future if you make it in. Very Happy lol! afro

Good Luck!!

Posts : 32
Join date : 2010-02-12
Location : Ireland

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[Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application Empty Re: [Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application

Post  Icekill Thu May 27 2010, 17:16

with the gear you have at the moment, arcane is more of mana management. Keep spamming ab abit even with 4 stacks with cd's and procs, As fire you want to get as much spell power as you can atm and keep haste at 30% for and then max crit to keep t10 set up, and try to get tier pants instead of hands, they will be better inlong term.
and when u get to icc 25 hc gear, regem spell power gems in +5 sockets with 12 sp 10 spirit, cuz the spell power u get from gear is more than enough.

seems good overall


Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-03-07

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[Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application Empty Re: [Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application

Post  Larecruit Thu May 27 2010, 17:25

for arcane I always keep going AB, mostly depending on mana and evo cd. I usually use up to 2 evos, sometimes 1, depending on MB procs. Going for DPM rotation is totally dependant on procs(I have missed MB for over 15 consecutive blasts, kind of sad in all fairness..)

I have t10.251 legs, however not upgraded since I am a little behind on crit in fire gear(barely 40% unbuffed). for arcane I rarely gem for sp/spi since I have noticed a better output with 23sp's. Ofc, I havent tested that with 277 gear, so I will take your word for it. Smile All kind of advices are highly appreciated. (:


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Join date : 2010-05-20

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[Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application Empty Re: [Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application

Post  Icekill Thu May 27 2010, 17:42

40% crit is more than enough for fire


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Join date : 2010-03-07

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[Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application Empty Re: [Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application

Post  Goblette Thu May 27 2010, 17:54

Hey there and thanks for the app, a very nice one at that aswell Smile

Still discussing this in officer chat and will give you an answer later tonight Smile



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Age : 47
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[Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application Empty Re: [Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application

Post  Goblette Fri May 28 2010, 23:29

We talked it over and would like to offer you a trial with us.


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Age : 47
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[Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application Empty Re: [Trial] Breik, Crossrealm Mage Application

Post  Larecruit Fri May 28 2010, 23:42

Estimated Time Approval for the Transfer: 1 hour.

As I have informed Goblette I will be renaming the character to Erinnye (greek mythologies).

Once the transfer is complete I will whisper one of your officers, hopefully tonight, if there is someone online ofc. Smile


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-05-20

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