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[Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank

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[Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank Empty [Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank

Post  Krogoz Mon Jun 14 2010, 17:52

Name(optional): Robert

In-game name: Krogoz
Class and spec: Warrior, Fury 18/53/0 Tank 12/5/54 < changing now because i find it best to tank in icc with.
Armoury link:

Are you the original owner of the account/character you're applying with? Yes definitely

What frame rate do you generally play at in 25 man raids? Is your PC and internet connection reliable? What's your average latency to the game servers during evenings? i Play at 50fps in 25man raids with no lag spikes or having any dc's, as I do have 20mb internet. My latency is always below 70ms during raids, and including dala and evenings.

Why are you applying to Bloodpack? I am applying to bloodpack because this guild is the best progressing guild I know on server. I feel this guild progresses new content quickly and efficiently which is something I feel I can fit in with and help progress further. I also am applying because the guild shows it has good teamwork and attendance which allows you to raid on time without having to find or pug members for raids. As well the way in which the guild has maintained itself being the no.1 guild on Anachronos shows how committed the players are, and how well you all work as a team.

Have you played with anyone in Bloodpack before, who might vouch for you? Well, i had done a weekly a while back to kill Sartharion with a member called 'Miklemaus' I think it was, maybe he has something good to say Smile. ( if he remembers me  )

What is your current guild and why are you planning to leave?
My Current guild was Phoenix Rising and I am leaving because the guild is not progressing and our ex gm is leaving, and without him I feel no one will be able to take control of the guild and continue it. We never managed to progress far in icc 25man raids because a lot of people had exams, and are away during summer meaning we can barely make any progression, As well as a lot of slackers who often decide not to show to raids. The guild was really good, just didn’t really have enough players and commitment which was unfair on the people who always turned up.

What previous guilds have you been in? I have been in Dark secrets and Relief and had spent a bit of time in each before i made my decision to leave.

If this is a cross-realm application, should you be accepted for trial, how soon can you transfer here?

Do you currently have any pending application with any other guild? If yes, who with? Nope i am solely applying for Bloodpack.

Do you have any high level alt characters? Have you raided with them before? I have spent a lot of time on my main so i only have a 69 Druid called Racid and a few low levels alts, all with heirlooms.

What interests and hobbies do you have outside of the game? I have a lot of interests and hobbies, mainly football, parties, going out with mates to places and generally having fun.


What is your past raiding experience in the game to date? Please only include content that you cleared at the appropriate level cap - we're not interested if you cleared AQ 40 last week.

Molten Core - Haven’t Done.
Onyxia - 10/25 Completed
Blackwing Lair - Haven’t Done.
Ahn'Qiraj - Haven’t Done.
Naxxramas - Haven’t done.

The Burning Crusade:
Karazhan, Zul'Aman, Gruul's Lair & Magtheridon -
Serpent shrine Cavern & the Eye - Haven’t Done.
Mount Hyjal, Black Temple & Sunwell - Haven’t Done.
I have done Tempest Keep and The Black temple.

I havent dont alot of pre Wotlk raids because i only joined a few months before tbc came out, so there was no focus on tbc raids, just new wotlk ones.

Wrath of the Lich King (excluding commonly pugged content):

Naxxramas 25 - Haven’t Done.
Malygos 25 - Haven’t Done.
Ulduar 10 - Haven’t Done.
Ulduar 25 -Haven’t Done.
ToC 10 normal - Yes
ToGC 10 heroic - Only first 3 boss's
ToC 25 normal - Yes
ToGC 25 heroic - Haven’t Done.
ICC 10 normal - 12/12
ICC 10 heroic - Done a few random boss's such as Marrowgar, Festergut and Gunship, Deathwhisper, Rotface and blood queen.
ICC 25 normal - 11/12 got Lk down to 50% health
ICC 25 heroic - None attempted ( but have been really keen to try)

Please list any achievements from a raid environment that you have and feel we should know about.
I have a quite a few odd Icc10/25 achievements from boss's what we have got as a guild such as 'I'm on a boat 25player' (when you only visit the enemy gunship once in the battle), but nothing else other than that.

Are you available to make our raid times? If there is a night when you can attend some times a month, but not always, please state so.
Thursday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]
Friday = 19:30-23:30 [Y]
Sunday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]
Monday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]
Tuesday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]

Do you use these following addons?
Deadly Boss Mods / Bigwigs / DXE - I use DMB
Omen - Yes
DoTimer or some other sort of spelltimers -
Grid - Yes
Any other addons which you feel should be mentioned? I use Slam Alert, which plays a sound with my slam procs, making it much easier to know when it does. AVR Encounters is a great mod for icc as it also helps in icc fights, by displaying where certain aoe damages are going to take place, and by helping to display who to bite in the blood queen fight. I also use Xpearl to make thing look neater and tidier allowing me to see the whole raid.

If possible, please try to provide a screenshot of your UI in a raiding setting. If you aren't able to get one from inside a raid, a screenshot of it from a battleground will suffice.

With blizzard adding optional "hard-modes" to future encounters, we're intending to beat the more difficult version of each fight, not just the basic version. Are you prepared to spend the time re-learning encounters to beat them in their hardest incarnations? Yes most Definitely, I will be up for attempting hard modes and progressing, and will put all effort into trying my best.

Are you prepared to sit out if an encounter requires a certain raid composition for which you are not ideal? Yes, of course.

How do you fill your playing time when not raiding? Playing on my alts and levelling professions. I currently have 445/450 Blacksmithing and Mining 290/375 and am currently still levelling them both.

Raidings not cheap. Flasks, potions, buff food, and of course repairs all cost money and time, and so does keeping your gear gemmed and chanted properly. Are you able to support your raiding expenses? What consumables do you typically use? Flasks of endless Rage is basically it. And i can cope fine with socketing expenses and gemming as I have done within the past few weeks, it will be no problem.

Why have you chosen your particular spec/class? How familiar are you with your classes other specs? Would you be willing to respec if the raid required it? Do you have dual-spec? I chose to be a fury warrior because I spent levelling to 80 as a prot warrior, so I viewed both specs and found I preferred dps'ing in raids as i find I do much better. I chose fury as the dps spec because I find it the best form of dps in raids including icc boss's and on trash. I am very familiar with fury as I have thoroughly researched it to ensure my talent points are in the correct place, and I familiar with the warrior, expertise raiting, crit, arp, hit raiting and how to gem /ench my gear. I do have duel spec in which my os is tank. I will be most definitely willing to respec if the raid requires me too as it would help the raid, as well as be a team player by doing so. I have also been a arms pve warrior, which I have learnt to play quite well, so I can spec to it if required.

Tank spec i am very familiar with, And have tried and tested various other rotation of attacks and talent structure. The tank spec I have chosen now I find is the best because it is the best spec to tank in icc, as it gives enough damage to help hold mobs. I am familiar with the expertise cap and def of a tank, as well as its requirements. I levelled a prot warrior and grinded quite a few dungeon level 75+ so i have been tanking for quite a long while and feel very comfortable doing it.

What is the general gearing strategy you follow for your class? Please be as specific as possible.
My gearing strategy at the present is to keep a 60% arp raiting as I have 'Needle encrusted Scorpion' which when procs gives me 100arp, and socket rest of my gear with strength, whilst keeping an 8-9% hit cap raiting and 26 expertise as it is a farly good balance to have. IF I can socket a set bonus i will do so, but only if it benefits by increasing my dps , as you can see in my gear i haven’t at the present as it does not help my dps, and as I am already going over 41% crit and 8% hit gemming the socket bonuses wont benefit me. So basically I socket arp with the highest prio, then strength followed by ensuring my hit, expertise and crit do not go over cap or under.

Although now I have 2 crypt makers and a bryntoll, which means i will go well over hit cap if i duel wield the crypts. I am aware of the hitcap but find my dps is still better duel wielding the cryptmakers even though im over hit cap at the present. I am planning to get rid of my hit raiting gear, such as my belt, neck and bracers so that i can focus on getting the arp 100% cap. Whilst writing this app i am deciding to socket my bracers and gloves prismatic sockets with 20+ strength, As there no point socketing arp now as i guess it wil go to waste, Any comments on gearing please tell. I will gladly regem alot of my arp to strength if needed to prevent me waisting stats. Just now im getting to the point where i need specific gear to increase my dps so am finding it difficult to decide how to gem/socket at present.

Please give a brief description of how you go about doing your job in a raid. What's your DPS cycle/priority system if you're a DPS? What spells do you use in what situations as a healer? How do you go about maximising threat whilst minimising incoming damage, as a tank? What more is there to tanking than those two aspects? Use a particular boss fight as an example if it will make it easier to talk about.

On trash mobs I would use a rotation of cleave and WW and Bt(low prio), this is because of the aoe it does helping to kill adds quickly, and with the help of omen I will be able to see when I am over aggroing too much.

Using saurfang as an boss fight example, at the start of the fight I would either use an auto attack to build rage or use bloodrage, I would then use my blood fury< orc passive ability, along with Recklessness and Deathwish and use bloodthirst< as it will hit the hardest, followed by a constant spam of heroic strike, then whilst Bloodthirst is on Cd I would use WW and always use slam when it procs (Bloodthirst has the highest prio) and Execute if it becomes available but only if i have high rage. IF i started to go low on rage I would stop heroic strike and continue with BT and WW until my rage builds up and the continue as before. The reason I would buff out early is because of the blood beasts which spawn, prevent me from using ao e attack so I try to maximise my damage done at the start so that it covers when the blood beasts spawn. Depending on which boss fight I would not always activate all my cd;s at once as they cause me to take a lot more damage, so I wouldn’t use then 6 seconds before marrowgars Bone storm as it would be a waste and cause me to take a lot of damage.

Also depending on what classes are in the raid I would use sunder to 5 stacks if there are no tank warriors, as this is what I have to currently do sometimes in raids at the moment to help reduce the boss's armour.

Tanking:( bear in mind its off spec!) when Tanking Mobs of 3 I always aim to charge, Shield block and keep a constant spam of cleave< ( only if im gaining high amounts of Rage) and use thunderclap, I would then use demoralizing shout if I have time before the dps start the threaten my aggro. If there is a main prio target, such as a caster I would Devastate a main prio target to ensure I don’t lose aggro, And if im already built enough aggro on the surrounding mob I will do a mix of cleave, whilst devastating and heroic striking.

Boss fights i will always go straight in and try to gain s much aggro as possible, For instance if the fight was against blood queen, the start a lot of people buff cd’s and nuke. So i would need to aggro as fast as possible. I would start the fight with a charge, then use d shield block and devastate and heroic, i would continue this Followed by an often thunderclap And shield slam/revenge ( as i have 20% increase damage for slam through gear) I would buff my cd’s such as last stand and shield wall if i saw the healer was having trouble, or if im tanking a lot of adds <( not on this boss). I also have my taunt ready on hotkey so i would have no problem taunting in difficult situation. I also always have omen up so i can always keep track of my aggro to ensure i have enough and the dps aren’t going to overaggro.

Of course being a tank you have to be sharp, As in various situations you can lose an add which can cause a healer to die, and can effectively cause a raid wipe, So i always ensure i am awake so that when im tanking a boss that spawns adds such as Valith i can ensure i tank the adds effectively and quickly, so that the next lot that spawns i will have no problem tanking/aggroring in mind this is my offspec so it may not be the best way to tank boss’s, But please advise me if im doing something wrong/ or missed something.

Do you use external resources (such as 3rd party forums, spreadsheets, simulations) to research your class and spec? Give examples, links, and commentary if so. I have used many various websites, each giving my information but some i have looked through are and even though its out of date, I’ve mainly used this too look at hit caps and crit as I find it very useful,
I Have now recently been always using Landsoul's Warrior DPS Spreadsheet Which has helped me greatly. I got the spread sheets of an elite jerks forum post.
Tanking i use as i find it an excellent guide what tells you everything about a prot warrior.

How do the professions you've chosen benefit you in raids? Well at Present MY Proffs are not maxed out, but my bs gives me the benefit of adding extra sockets to my gear, which adds that little bit extra dps and can help me to reach my arp cap quicker aswell as increase my tanks Health or Expertise etc.

Please provide a recent combat log parse (e.g. WWS, WMO, WoL) of your character in a raid environment if you have access to one.

Any additional things you'd like to add? I would like to say that i am a very skilled, punctual wow player, and given the chance i feel i can fit in and help the guild progress and become a much better player, even if it involves me being sidelined for raids for a while, ill respect it. Also I would like to say that i am aware my gear may be a bit low for your guild, but i can assure you I am skilled enough to pull of good dps and am skilful enough to help tank raids. As well I know how to effectively tank which also helps in aids if an extra tank is ever needed. Given the chance i feel i can become a much better wow player, and with the help of Bloodpack i think it will help show my full potential. Thanks for reading the App.


Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-05-22

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[Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank Empty Re: [Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank

Post  Echò Mon Jun 14 2010, 18:20

Krogoz wrote:What is the general gearing strategy you follow for your class? Please be as specific as possible.
My gearing strategy at the present is to keep a 60% arp raiting as I have 'Needle encrusted Scorpion' which when procs gives me 100arp, and socket rest of my gear with strength, whilst keeping an 8-9% hit cap raiting and 26 expertise as it is a farly good balance to have.
NES gives you 48.42% arp (1% arp = 14 rating, 678 / 14 = 48.42), so you should aim for 51.58%, not 60%. When your trinket procs, you waste 9% arp, which is equal to 126 strength. Right now you have 67.81% arp, wasting 16.21% when trinket procs, which is equal to 227 strength(!).

You're also saying you try to be around 8-9% hit, which is correct, but right now you're running 17.79% hit! I think you mentioned this later in your application. Seeing as you're ~10% hit and ~16% arp over cap, switching your MH Cryptmaker with Bryntroll would be a good idea.

Krogoz wrote:IF I can socket a set bonus i will do so, but only if it benefits by increasing my dps , as you can see in my gear i haven’t at the present as it does not help my dps, and as I am already going over 41% crit and 8% hit gemming the socket bonuses wont benefit me. So basically I socket arp with the highest prio, then strength followed by ensuring my hit, expertise and crit do not go over cap or under.
You'll only gem for socket bonuses if it's higher than 4 strength, and then you would use 10 str / 10 crit. Never use blue gems to meet your socket requirements if the bonus isn't higher than 10 str ._. Saying that, you're using two blue gems (arp/stam) to match your meta requirement. Optimal meta would be Relentless Earthsiege, with a Nightmare Tear to match the requirements.

Another thing I'd like you to look into is your boots enchant, Tuskkar's Vitality in general is a better enchant especially in a relatively high movement fight such as Lich King or Professor Putricide.

Krogoz wrote:Please give a brief description of how you go about doing your job in a raid. What's your DPS cycle/priority system if you're a DPS? What spells do you use in what situations as a healer? How do you go about maximising threat whilst minimising incoming damage, as a tank? What more is there to tanking than those two aspects? Use a particular boss fight as an example if it will make it easier to talk about.

Using saurfang as an boss fight example, at the start of the fight I would either use an auto attack to build rage or use bloodrage, I would then use my blood fury< orc passive ability, along with Recklessness and Deathwish and use bloodthirst< as it will hit the hardest, followed by a constant spam of heroic strike, then whilst Bloodthirst is on Cd I would use WW and always use slam when it procs (Bloodthirst has the highest prio) and Execute if it becomes available but only if i have high rage.
Just a minor correction, your prio should be BT > WW > Slam > Execute, while sundering in between without pushing BT or WW back.

Question, what's your priority list while tanking?

Krogoz wrote:How do the professions you've chosen benefit you in raids? Well at Present MY Proffs are not maxed out, but my bs gives me the benefit of adding extra sockets to my gear, which adds that little bit extra dps and can help me to reach my arp cap quicker aswell as increase my tanks Health or Expertise etc.
I suggest you get rid of mining, and get a "real" profession, such as engineering, JC, enchanting or alchemy.

Otherwise, decent application, you seem to know what you're doing. Good luck!

EDIT: A 12/5/54 spec doesn't include Deep Wounds which is a really good threat talent, I suggest you keep your current spec, maybe take out the two points you have in Cruelty and put them in Improved Disciplines, you'll find out that you're using your cooldowns quite alot in ICC ;p


Posts : 469
Join date : 2008-07-25
Location : Oslo, Norway

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[Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank Empty Re: [Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank

Post  Krogoz Mon Jun 14 2010, 21:41

Thanks for the help Echo, Ill get on gemming the Strength asap To ensure i dont waste any more stats, I just got to overkeen of losing the NES that i thought id start gemming arp now :/, hoping Deathbrigner will would drop in 25mans. Also yeah my hit is way over cap, Need to get rid of alot of it gear i have so that i will hopoefully soon be able to duel wield crypt makers w.ithout going over hitcap and arp. Yeah i will switch to crypt and byrntoll now Smile. Sorry about my gear! Just been pretty unlucky with drops in raids, Just holding me back from getting better atm -_-!

Cheers for the info about Meta socketing, Ill get on that straight away and ill ench my boots With Tuskar's vitality, Never thought of how it would help in raids < ty Smile
I was planning to get rid of mining recently also for jc, As i never really used it much for Bs anyway, and jc actually helps for raids.

Ty on the tank spec advice also, Yeah i thought thats also! Yeah i do use them alot xD.
(also my Rotation Normally consists of Shield slam -> Revenge -> Devastate -> Devastate -> repeat
Using revenge if possible, Or sometimes to devastate twice at the start to ensure i take aggro before using the rotation. If its an aggro fight then ill start using heroic strike and devastate to give me a advanatage on the aggro.I found using this rotation really good, as i found it off elite jerks wesbite ^ Link i linked in app

Cheers for your advice and help Smile


Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-05-22

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[Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank Empty Re: [Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank

Post  Krogoz Tue Jun 15 2010, 18:42

Also forgot to add i have the money to level My jc to 450, and to make these changes Smile So i can have it done straight away!


Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-05-22

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[Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank Empty Re: [Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank

Post  Krogoz Wed Jun 16 2010, 15:10

Sorry for spam messages* but also got new Sanctified helm and blood soaked sarontie stompers, And i got them late last night so i dident have enough time to socket them Before server shut down.


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Join date : 2010-05-22

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[Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank Empty Re: [Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank

Post  Feyri Thu Jun 17 2010, 12:26

We've just accepted a Fury Warrior for trial, and as a result cannot offer you the Fury Warrior trial slot.

I hope you'll find a guild suitable for your needs.


Posts : 293
Join date : 2009-09-28
Age : 36

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[Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank Empty Re: [Declined] Krogoz, Fury Warrior / Os Tank

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