Bloodpack [Anachronos-EU]
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[Declined] Célia, Resto shaman

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[Declined] Célia, Resto shaman Empty [Declined] Célia, Resto shaman

Post  Célia Fri Dec 11 2009, 19:13

Name(optional): Joeri
Age: 19

In-game name: Célia
Class and spec: Resto Shaman
Armory link:

Are you the original owner of the account/character you're applying with?
- Yes

What framerate do you generally play at in 25 man raids? Is your PC and internet connection reliable? What's your average latency to the game servers during evenings?
-I’m playing everything on the highest setting, 40-60 FPS during fights. Got no problems with my internet connection

Why are you applying to Bloodpack?
-I’m looking for a good guild that is aiming for hardmodes en you guys have been progressing good lately en most of my friends are playing on this server
Have you played with anyone in Bloodpack before, who might vouch for you?
What is your current guild and why are you planning to leave?
-Hostile, they are good guys en a pretty good guild, but everytime it takes so long with people not showing up en lack of progress.
What previous guilds have you been in?
-Double Helix – Ahn’qiraj (disbanded) been there for 2 years. I raided full TBC en wotlk with them. We disbanded at Anub'arak hardmode
-Unrest – They disbanded because lack of people
If this is a cross-realm application, should you be accepted for trial, how soon can you transfer here?

Do you currently have any pending application with any other guild? If yes, who with?
Do you have any high level alt characters? Have you raided with them before?
- This was my main before my guild (Double Helix) Disbanded
My main character is
- Célia
What interests and hobbies do you have outside of the game?
-Football, going out


What is your past raiding experience in the game to date? Please only include content that you cleared at the appropriate level cap - we're not interested if you cleared AQ 40 last week.

Classic: None
Molten Core -
Onyxia -
Blackwing Lair -
Ahn'Qiraj -

The Burning Crusade:
Karazhan, Zul'Aman, Gruul's Lair & Magtheridon - yes, with server firsts (Ahn’qiraj)
Serpentshrine Cavern & The Eye – yes, with server firsts (Ahn’qiraj)
Mount Hyjal, Black Temple & Sunwell - yes, with server firsts, in sunwell I got to muru before the nerfs after the nerfs we killed muru
Wrath of the Lich King (excluding commonly pugged content):

Naxxramas 25 - cleared
Malygos 25 - cleared
Ulduar 10 - cleared
Ulduar 25 - cleared
ToC 10 normal - cleared
ToGC 10 heroic - cleared
ToC 25 normal - cleared
ToGC 25 heroic – 4/5

Please list any achievements from a raid environment that you have and feel we should know about.

Are you available to make our raid times? If there is a night when you can attend some times a month, but not always, please state so.
Thursday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]/[N] Y
Friday = 19:30-23:30 [Y]/[N] Y
Sunday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]/[N]Y
Monday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]/[N] Y
Tuesday = 19:30-22:30 [Y]/[N] Y

Do you use these following addons?
Deadly Boss Mods / Bigwigs - DBM
Omen - yes
DoTimer or some other sort of spelltimers - no
Grid - yes
Any other addons which you feel should be mentioned? Quartz

If possible, please try to provide a screenshot of your UI in a raiding setting. If you aren't able to get one from inside a raid, a screenshot of it from a battleground will suffice.

With blizzard adding optional "hard-modes" to future encounters, we're intending to beat the more difficult version of each fight, not just the basic version. Are you prepared to spend the time re-learning encounters to beat them in their hardest incarnations?

Are you prepared to sit out if an encounter requires a certain raid composition for which you are notideal?
How do you fill your playing time when not raiding?
in Dalaran probably or grinding Smile
Raiding's not cheap. Flasks, potions, buff food, and of course repairs all cost money and time, and so does keeping your gear gemmed and chanted properly. Are you able to support your raiding expenses? What consumables do you typically use?
Flask of mojo, or frost wyrm, fish feast
Would you be willing to respec if the raid required it? Do you have dual-spec?
What is the general gearing strategy you follow for your class? Please be as specific as possible.
Im aiming for Intellect en spellpower, i know this might sound strange but in my current guild im most of the time MT/OT healer
so i preffer to gem for Intellect/mp5
Please give a brief description of how you go about doing your job in a raid. What's your DPS cycle/priority system if you're a DPS? What spells do you use in what situations as a healer? How do you go about maximising threat whilst minimising incoming damage, as a tank? What more is there to tanking than those two aspects? Use a particular boss fight as an example if it will make it easier to talk about.
If the raid is taking heavy damage- Chain heal – Riptide every cd, MT healing healing wave en earth shield (riptide) en trying to be as much mana efficient as possible

Do you use external resources (such as 3rd party forums, spreadsheets, simulations) to research your class and spec? Give examples, links, and commentary if so.
I used to watch Elitist jerks

How do the professions you've chosen benefit you in raids?
Herbalism brings in the money en inscription for the shoulder enchant
Please provide a recent combat log parse (e.g. WWS, WMO, WoL) of your character in a raid environment if you have access to one.
I might be able to get one, ill add it later if its needed


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-12-11

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[Declined] Célia, Resto shaman Empty Re: [Declined] Célia, Resto shaman

Post  Rhiannon Sat Dec 12 2009, 17:24

Thanks for the application, I'm afraid we've not got any room for a resto shaman at this moment though. Good luck elsewhere.


Posts : 3190
Join date : 2007-09-24

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